Charles C. McDougald | The Buddha, The Gold, & The Myth - How Marcos Looted the Central Bank, San Francisco Publishers, 1997. [Those who have read this book will immediately see that we owe it greatly in the preparation of this chronology.] |
Almario, Manuel F. | "The Case of the Missing Gold Bullions." Manila: Philippine Graphic, April 19, 1993. |
Anderson, Jack | "A Treasure Hunt for $5 Billion" San Francisco: San Francisco Examiner, Nov. 19, 1976. |
April 6 Liberation Movement Central Committee | The Philippine Struggle, Manila, San Francisco, New York: FILINS (Filipino Information Service), 1981. |
Aquino, Belinda A. | Politics of Plunder: The Philippines Under Marcos. Manila: Great Books Trading, 1987. |
Avila, Charles - ed. | Readings in Ideology (incl. Essay on People's Urban Insurrection), Manila: Kasapi, 1986. |
Avila, Charlie & Psinakis, Steve | A Hundred Folders of Research Materials on the Marcoses' US Properties. PCGG Research Department. Also, Lopez Museum, Pasig City. |
Amnesty International | Annual Reports for 1983to 1986. |
Idem | Human Rights Violations in the Philippines: An Account of Torture, "Disappearances," Extrajudicial Executions and Illegal Detention. Undated. |
Idem | Report of an Amnesty International Mission to the Republic of the Philippines, 11-28 November 1981. September 1982. |
Idem | The Philippine Government's Response to the Report of an AI Mission to the Republic of the Philippines 11-28 November 1981 and AI's Reply to the Government Response. ASA 35/18/83. December 1983. |
Bonner, Raymond | Waltzing with A Dictator: The Marcoses and the Making of American Policy. New York: Times Books, 1987. |
Bronstein, Phil | "Jackpot for "Raiders' of the Hidden Holdings." San Francisco: San Francisco Examiner, March 9, 1986. "What Marcos told the Coup Leaders To Do." Ibid. July 13, 1986. |
Burton, Sandra | Impossible Dream: The Marcoses, the Aquinos, and the Unfinished Revolution. New York: Warner Books, 1989. |
Business World | "Gold Sale Confirmed by PCGG" Manila: March 29,1990. |
Central Bank of the Philippines | "The Philippine Economy: Policies and Development, 1975-1982." Manila, 1983. |
Ibid. | "Plugging the Black Hole: How the Central Bank proposes to straighten its multi-billion financial mess." Manila: Philippine Daily Inquirer. Manila: April 19, 1993. |
Circuit Court, First Circuit, State of Hawaii | Civil Case Number 88-0522. Roger Roxas and the Golden Budha Corporation vs. Ferdinand Marcos and Imelda Marcos. |
Daniel, Dan. Richard V. | Swiss Banks Cracking In!!! Manila: PCGG Research Department. Undated. |
Court Cases |
- Central District of California Case Number 86-3859. Republic of the Philippines vs. Ferdinand E. Marcos, Imelda Marcos, et al.
- Second Judicial District of Nevada, Case Number 77-00066. United States of America vs. Robert Curtis and John W. McAllaster.
- Second Judicial District of Nevada, Case Number 307152, Eureka Trust, Liberty Trust, et al. Vs. Robert Curtis et al.
- Second Judicial District of Nevada, Case Number 313689. Samuel J. Agnew vs. Robert Curtis et al.
- Southern District of Florida, Case Number 91-0220. United States of America vs. Reiner Jacobi, aka Rex Johnson, aka Rolf Gerhard Koenig, aka Reinhard Koenig, aka Dirk F. Stoffberg, aka Herbert Solomon.
- Southern District of NY, Case Number 86-9729, United States of America vs. Imelda Marcos, Adnan Khashoggi, et al.
- State of Hawaii, Multi-District Litigation, Master Docket No. 840. Plaintifffs versus Ferdinand E. Marcos.
- Western District of Washington. Case Number C89-1145R. Committee for Justice of Viernes and Domingo vs. Estate of Ferdinand Marcos et al.
Court Case | United States vs. Charles Avila and Steve Psinakis, in Northern California District Court, NO. CR 86-1064 RHS. |
Ellison, Katherine | Imelda: Steel Butterfly of the Philippines. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. |
Francia, Beatriz Romualdez | Imelda and the Clans: A Story of the Philippines. Manila: Solar Publishing, 1988. |
Gillego, Bonifacio H. | The Spy Network of the Marcos Dictatorship in the USA. Manila, Undated. |
Guinness Book of World Records | New York: Bantam Books, 1991. |
Hill, Gerald N. and Thomson Hill Kathleen, with the cooperation of Steve Psinakis | The True Story of the Aquino Assassination. Sonoma, California: Hilltop Publishing, 1983. |
IBON Databank | What Crisis? Highlights of the Philippine Economy, 1983. |
Johnson, Bryan | The Four Days of Courage: The Untold Story of the People Who Brought Marcos Down. New York: The Free Press, 1987. |
Karnow, Stanley | In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines. New York: Random House, 1989. |
Kerkvliet, Benedict J. | "Critique of the Rand Study on the Philippines" Journal of Asian Studies 32,no.3 (May 1973):489-500. |
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights | Salvaging Democracy: Human Rights in the Philippines. New York: December 1985. |
Lucas, John | Gold Annual Report of the US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, December 1992. |
Manapat, Ricardo | Some Are Smarter Than Others: The History of Marcos' Crony Capitalism. New York: Aletheia Publications, 1991. |
Manglapus, Raul S. | Manuscript on democratic institutions. N.d. A Pen for Democracy, Washington DC: Movement for a Free Philippines, 1986. The Silenced Democracy New York: Orbis Books, 1976. |
Manila Journal | "Marcos Unloads Gold Assets" Manila: January 5, 1988 |
Marcos, Ferdinand E. | Diary. Collection in Philippine Government Archives. |
McCoy, Alfred W., ed. | An Anarchy of Families: State and Family in the Philippines Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1993. |
Mijares, Primitivo | The Conjugal Dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. Vol.1. 2d. ed. San Francisco: Union Square Publications, 1986. |
Movement for a Free Philippines | Newsletters. |
National Economic and Development Authority | Philippine Statistical Yearbook various years. |
Ongpin, Roberto V. | "The Binondo Central Bank: The True Story". Manila Bulletin, April 25, 1986. |
PCGG | RP vs. Ferdinand E. Marcos, Imelda Marcos et al. PCGG Case No. 1. |
Ibid. | RP vs. Ferdinand E. Marcos (represented by his estate/heirs) and Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Civil Case SBNo. 0141. |
PILGRIM'S EARS, news and commentary and special features by Cabbie Armada, 1979 to 1986. Manila, New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong, London, Toronto and Chicago. | FILINS (Filipino Information Service), POBox 77-8244, New York 11377. |
Pedrosa, Carmen N. | The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos. Manila: Bookmark, 1969. Imelda Marcos. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. |
Pimentel, Benjamin, Jr. | Edjop: The Unusual Journey of Edgar Jopson. Quezon City: KEN, 1989. |
Pimentel, Aquilino Senator | "No to Untouchability" Privilege Speech. Senate of the Philippines: November 9, 1987. |
Philippine Daily Inquirer | "Marcos Gold Hoard Worth $22B" Manila: April 21,1986. "PCGG Summons Trio Dealing in FM Gold." September 13, 1990. "Enrique Zobel on Marcos Gold" June 5, 1992. |
Psinakis, Steve | Two Terrorists Meet San Francisco: Alchemy Books, 1981, |
Republic of the Philippines, Bureau of the Treasury | Assets and Liabilities Assumed By the National Government. Manila: October 28,1993 |
ibid. Committee of Seven Created Under R.A.7653 | Report on the Transfer of Assets and Liabilities from the former CB to the BSP, Manila: November 3,1993 |
ibid. Office of Media Affairs | Documents on the Marcos War Medals, Manila: 1983 |
Rodriguez, Filemon C. | The Marcos Regime: Rape of the Nation. New York: Vantage Press, 1985. |
Romulo, Alberto G. | "How I Lost My Innocence." Privilege Speech. Senate of the Philippines. March 15, 1993. |
Ibid. | "The Central Bank Losses & The Public Sector Deficit". Privilege Speech. Senate. January 20, 1992. |
Ibid. | "Time for Tough Decisions." Privilege Speech. Senate. February 3, 1993. |
Salonga Jovito R. | "Convergence of International Law and Domestic Law in the Recovery of the Plundered Wealth." Manila: July 20, 1993. |
Seagrave, Sterling | The Marcos Dynasty New York: Harper and Row, 1988. |
Senate of the Philippines | Inquiry in aid of legislation of four-hundred-nineteen (419) accounts from the four (4) government financial institutions (GFI's). Committee Report No. 58. Committee on Banks, Financial Institutions and Currencies. Manila: December 18, 1992. |
Shaplen, Stephen R. | A Turning Wheel New York: William Morrow, 1987. |
Simons, Lewis M. | Worth Dying For, New York: William and Morrow, Inc., 1987. |
Stauffer, Robert B. | The Philippine Congress: Causes of Structural Change Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1975. |
Steinberg, David Joel | The Philippines: A Singular and a Plural Place. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1982. |
Sullivan, William H. | Obbligato, New York: W>W>Norton & Co., 1984. |
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines | Political Detention and Military Atrocities in the Philippines 1981-1982. Quezon City: 1986 |
Thompson, Mark R. | The Anti-Marcos Struggle Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1996. |
US General Accounting Office | Economic Support Fund Assistance to the Philippines. Report to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Washington DC: January 27, 1984 |
ibid. | The Philippines: Accountability and Control of US Economic Assistance. Briefing Report to Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Washington DC: May 1986. |
US Senate | The Philippines: A Situation Report, Staff Report to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. November 1, 1985 |
ibid | The Situation in the Philippines. Staff Report for the Committee on Foreign Relations. Washington DC: October 1984. |
Wurfel, David | Filipino Politics: Development and Decay. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1988. |